Showing posts with label Cricut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cricut. Show all posts

I Still Play With Blocks - Mechanics T-shirt, (free svg)

Free svg is from SVGS For geeks

Quick Links:

There are 3 different versions - 


Decorating Dollar Tree Cake Carriers With Cricut

The Cake Carrier Inspiration, from Girl With a Glue Gun

I thought this would be a really quick and easy project this morning..  I thought i could knock something off my list right away, in a few minutes time. I found cake carriers at Dollar Tree on Monday - I was all set!

HA!  The free svg does not include the gorgeous flowers.  Apparently she hand cut them from a patterned vinyl?  Uhm, no.  Although I appreciate her idea and her beautiful execution - I own a cricut because I suck at cutting things with scissors.

So my next idea was to use  print then cut  for something similar - and then I looked at my printable vinyl, and it says it cannot be washed.  Well that's probably not a very good choice for this project then.    (It's probably also why that vinyl has sat in the drawer for over a year.. I should look for ideas to use it on something!)

Now I'm on to browsing  LoveSVG to find some flowers.  (Lots of great options - free svgs.) and that prompts me to go look at what colors of vinyl I own.  

In 651, I have an entire, deep, dresser drawer FULL of colors.  And not a single pastel in there.  A deep purple is the closest I have. Could I do this in other colors?  Yes!  But that teal blue... (which I happen to have in htv, just not in 651, by the way)

So now I'm on Amazon trying to decide which other colors I should have on hand.. and what else I should order while I am at it..  and while it's MUCH cheaper to just buy it on Amazon, I'm wondering if I really want this much pastel vinyl (I'm looking at 6 rolls, each 5 ft long, with free shipping  for $25 -- - these deals are why I already have a deep drawer full of 651) and wondering if  maybe I should just run to Michael's and buy a few sheets, if they even have the pastel colors in stock, our Michael's doesn't have a large selection...  

An hour later I have not a single project complete, and I'm contemplating driving 20 minutes to go shopping.  It's been that kind of week.  :-)

The Cake Carrier is from Girl With a Glue Gun, 
and the svg can be found (minus the flowers) here -

Love svg has some pretty flower svgs here:

Orcal Vinyl is $2,09 a sheet at Michaels now.  Remember when it used to be $1?  If I buy 6 sheets, - 6 feet -  that would be about half the cost of 30 feet purchased on Amazon.  30 feet on Amazon costs roughly $25 (free shipping) working out to .83 cents a sheet.  Less than half price.  I think I'm going to just order way more vinyl than I need, once again...  

And that prompted me to go update my post on which vinyl to buy and where to buy it, because there are new price options...

So ordering on Amazon it is.  Hopefully I'll get to this project next week, I'll update with results when/if I do.  :-)

Update - it's amazing I ever got this project done.
After cutting it out, I sat it on my footstool and went to the kitchen for coffee.
We have a puppy.
It's a good thing he's cute.

I finished it!!
The completed dollar tree cake carrier
with a step by step for the design here:


Fonts For Rae Dunn Inspired Products With Cricut

Quick Links:

All tested - they cut well and weed without too much difficulty, at one inch tall.

NEW - A FREE One From Font Bundles - 
Commercial Use License Included

Seek Out
FREE & it also includes a commercial use license

NOT Free (currently $8), but comes with a commercial use license:


Cheat Sheets for Easy Glyph - No Character Map Needed - Fonts

Free Alternatives To The Samantha Font
Fonts you will want a character map to use

My favorite fonts & How to Use Them In Design Space

Pin This:

Comparing Programs & Sites For Converting Images To SVG

I took two images, one a colorful png and one a photograph of my dog, and ran them through a variety of SVG conversion sites and software - scroll down to see the results from each option.

So which is the best?  It will completely depend on the photo, and what results you are looking for.  My favorite for converting the photo was Adobe Capture.  My favorite for converting the flag svg was PNGTOSVG.  

At the bottom of this post is a list of additional links to try, and more information about the difference between pngs and svgs.

Organizing My Vinyl Scraps

Storing Vinyl, And The Scraps
This post is so old that it's actually an evolution of how I sort my scraps.  From a basket in a drawer, to a 12x12 album & a basket in a drawer, to two separate 12x12 albums, and still a basket on a shelf.  

Quick Links:
When I first started with cricut, I stored  vinyl in drawers in a desk  It's worked well...  for awhile.   My vinyl scraps, which were supposed to go in the basket you can barely see on the left of the drawer, were getting out of hand.

Since then, my craft room, which is also my laundry room, flooded, and I ended up with an entirely new space.  Now my vinyl is in an old dynamite crate, in an  an office armoire. 
Here's a MUCH More in depth look at my current craft space:

I saw this awesome post on pinterest, where she used an artists portfolio for storing scraps.  It was REALLY pretty.  And it costs $60.  SIXTY DOLLARS?  Do you know how much vinyl I can buy with $60?  I know, they go on sale, you can use a coupon..  but $60.  And I'm impatient.

So I decided I could make do with a binder.  It's not ideal, they are 8.5 x 11, a lot of my scraps are 12 inches long...  but I can make it work until I find a good sale on an artists portfolio.  And then...  I opened the cabinet where I have a stack of empty binders (for a cookbook project...  I bought a binding machine instead and have never used the binders) and there, under the binders, was an old, empty, 12x12 scrapbook.  I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner!  I even have empty 12x12 scrapbooks that are 3 ring binder style, somewhere in the attic...  but this was handy, and works perfectly.

The white paper, which came in the scrapbook, is perfect for diving the pages so I can store one color in front, and one color on the back, in each page.  For most scraps, I mixed shades - such as the blues on the left.  But if it's a specific color I know i use a lot, like the teal blue on the right, I gave it it's own page.

I made a divider page, and all of my "regular" vinyl - Orcal 651 - is in the front, and all of my htv is in the back.  I don't really buy 631 vinyl, so for now, I don't need a section for that.

I thought the divider page would be the perfect beginners Print Then Cut Project, so I did a quick tutorial here.  Quick and simple, it will walk you through how to use the Pint then Cut feature on your cricut.

Then I made the tab to make it even easier to see where the book is divided, and I made that a super simple beginners Draw Then Cut project.  Step by Step Tutorial here - a great first project to use your pens in cricut.

How you group your vinyl will depend on what you use most.  I use a LOT of black htv.  Black, White, Navy Blue, and Yellow are my most used colors.  Yellow, because I have grandsons and make a lot of construction equipment designs.  :-)  Here I separated my black into matte & gloss.  This is the only color I separated this way, but it's the color I have the most scraps of, and the color I most often care if it is matte or gloss.

The paperclip you see here is to hold a piece on the back "flat".  I have a few scraps left of cricut vinyl, from when I first got my machine and didn't know about orcal - and once that is rolled, it is hard to get it to lay flat again.  I paper clipped it at the top to flatten it, and storing the book flat should flatten it back out. Hopefully.  

I'm still keeping the basket in my vinyl drawer, for little scraps - and as a place to toss scraps quickly.  Realistically, I am not going to get my scraps all put into this album at the end of every quick project.  But it's a great way to sort them!

Fast Forward a few years, I found those three ring binder scrapbooks in my attic, and I use one for htv and one for vinyl.  

Where To Find Loads Of Free Harry Potter Inspired SVGS

Quick Links:
Free Harry Potter Fonts:
Free Harry Potter Themed SVGS

Free Harry Potter Light Box Files!

And another one!

There are 196 Harry Potter svgs here, but the page can be difficult to search...  the next buttons are having issues currently.  They are located under the theme "movies" as well.
There are AMAZING images here.  Try a variety of searches until the next buttons are working properly again - for instance, search Hogwarts, Ravenclaw, castle, etc.



File is in about the middle of the page
You have to sign up for her emails first.  Click on the link in the email confirming you want to subscribe, and then you will get a second email with a download link.  
It's worth the hassle, in my opinion - this is the best hogwarts crest cut file I have found for free.  :-)

Sorting Hat

It's a bit of a process to get to the free files here - but once you get through all the emails and verifications, there are two free files in the resource area.  This one, and one "firebolt fund".  There are a variety of other svgs you will be able to access as well.

Hogwarts Coat Of Arms SVG

Christmas Potter

Print Then Cut Projects:


Where To Find Free Star Wars SVGS - 

Where To Find More Free SVGS By Theme
