An Index Of My Adventures In Sourdough
Recipes, Tools, Printables, and Other Random Things
I've been making sourdough bread off and on for a few decades now - but this was the year I got "serious" about it. Or as serious as I get with these things. I spent a good bit of time comparing recipes and methods and reading up on the science...
And then, I ignored most of it and went back to just making bread. That's the frustrating thing with sourdough - there's no best recipe. There's no one guaranteed formula. No matter how many times you make it, you'll have some good loaves, some great loaves, and an occasional flop. The temperature of your house, the humidity.. they all contribute. The only way to "master" sourdough is to make it, often. You'll learn how it reacts and how it looks and feels when it's ready, over time.
Here's an index of the recipes and charts I used this year, while experimenting, and other assorted photos and references.
Sourdough Musings
For Free Sourdough SVGS -
Traditional Sourdough Recipes
Sandwich Bread Recipes
Soft Sourdough Sandwich bread is my favorite to make - and much more versatile for us.
I try to make a boule (the round, crustier, loaf) once a week to go along with soup, but the sandwich bread is what I make most often, it's so much more versatile. I do like it better than regular yeast bread, it has a better taste.
Sourdough Discard Recipes


I haven't had the best luck with sourdough discard crackers yet. The one batch that had a great texture I mistakenly added WAY too much salt... I think the recipes are sound, I just haven't gotten them quite right yet.
Sourdough Discard Cookies, made with the "extra", unfed, sourdough starter. The real key to these cookies is the browned butter - I don't think the sourdough discard makes THAT much of a difference, but it does contribute to how great these cookies are.
This is a very popular recipe from ThisJessCooks. It's good. But, I have a few suggestions that I think would make it even better... See them here: https://fieldsofhether.blogspot.com/2024/01/sourdough-discard-pretzel-bites.html
Assorted Research
Sourdough Tools

I make these simple beeswax wraps to wrap my bread and cover my doughs. No sewing - just pinking shears and beeswax pellets. It's sort of like re-usable press and seal.
This is the scoring tool, or "Lame" that I use. Is it the best? I have no idea. It works well for me, I've had no reason to look at other options.
If you have a 3D printer, or know someone who does, this is a free STL file for making a goldfish cracker cookie cutter
More Sourdough Photos & Misc:
A photo of my sourdough starter from 2017
My current starter is very, very old. VERY old.
But does that matter? Nope. not one bit. Sourdough starter absorbs yeast from the air. So it's going to adapt and grow based on YOUR kitchen, not the one it was made in a hundred years ago. There can be some advantage to buying a starter, or getting an established one from a friend - it will often be stronger, faster, than one you start yourself in your own kitchen.
My starter, after an 8 day road trip. I fed the starter before I left, stuck it in the fridge, and left it. A few days after I returned home, I fed it... and as you can see, it's just fine. I regularly leave my starter in the fridge, not feeding it more than once a week, so I wasn't at all worried, I knew it would be fine.
[BTW - the white stuff on the fabric is flaking wax. I use fabric wax wraps and I probably used a tad bit too much wax when making this one.. and it's been well used. I'll soon reheat it enough to melt the wax again, and it will be good as new. Read more about making your own wax wraps here -
One dough, two techniques - A Comparison(this was a fall experiment, so the loaves were pumpkin shaped...)
My Sourdough Journal
This is an assortment of printable pages that I made, or compiled, to create my own sourdough journal to track my experiments and tests this year:
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