Maximizing My Creative Fabrica Subscription - Wavy Fonts
The first step in organizing my fonts was to create my own categories. These do not need to make sense to anyone else, they are strictly for my own reference. They may not technically be the correct description of the font. That doesn't matter. This step of the organizing process is all about how I see the fonts. Because I may not be able to find them if I have to remember terms like serif. :-) Your categories may be completely different! Think about what works for you. I'm including a break down of my categories, along with visuals of some of the fonts I have in each category, below.
Each category gets its own folder. I don't hesitate to put the same font in more than one folder - font files are generally pretty small and do not take up much space.
When cutting text from paper, for on the front of greeting cards in particular, stencil fonts often work best. This style of font cuts away with no need to save the little inside pieces in letters like e, and a.
Here's more about my experience with the Pinsetter font:
First off, the cursive letters do not touch with this font. They aren't supposed to. But after years of Design Space not properly spacing fonts [that's mostly fixed these days] I struggle with this being a purposeful design choice.
It looks, from the preview photos, as if this font has ligatures - which occur naturally. That is not the case. To get this look, you mix and match, like using glyphs. You can do this by copying and pasting from the included pdf file. That's a lot of work, and in my experience, extremely difficult, because...
This font does not display properly in most programs. In fontlab pad, PinsetterLine 2 does not show at all. You see a white screen. The font IS there, and if you save it as an svg and upload it to Design Space, it will draw just fine. But you can't see what you are uploading.
The obvious solution to this is to bypass Fontlab Pad, install the font, and type it into Design Space "normally". But, that also did not work for me. It did for "Happy", but for birthday, Design Space just didn't read the text - it managed the circle on top of the I only. To get cricut to write the word birthday, I had to use fontlab pad, save it as an svg, and upload it into Design Space.
Was that a one time glitch? No - because I've had this happen before. Randomly. I've tried creating new projects, restarting both my laptop and Design Space.. but sometimes, these true single line fonts simply will not work in Design Space, no matter what I do. Truly random - as in this case, sometimes ONE text box (Happy) will write fine and another (Birthday) simply will not.
Tips & Tricks For Using Fonts In Cricut Design Space
Comparing Four Different Sites To Help You Identify Fonts
The Cliff Notes on my results - I had the best results from What Font Is (NOT the same as What The Font.) Fontsquirrel did a terrible job matching the font, however, it's the one app that always recommends FREE alternatives. Most of the identifiers only show you paid fonts.
Quick Links:
If you are on any cricut facebook groups, you have seen the daily question - What Is This Font? In some cases, like I Love Glitter, and Samantha, it can be obvious. But in most cases... it's pretty hard to tell! So many fonts have glyphs - which means the characters may look different. You can have two completely different versions of one letter in a font, if you use glyphs.
That said, there are sites that will help identify fonts. Tonight I took three different fonts from my collection and ran them through each site, to compare their results. What Font Is was the clear winner - it correctly identified all three fonts. What The Font came in second. Font Squirrel was the only site to offer free font suggestions.
And it's important to note that with Herina, the ligatures were not shown in the matched results. Had I not known that Herina was the correct font, I may not have believed the sites were accurate in their suggestion.
Here's a step by step of the fonts I used, and the results for each:
![]() A Printable Cheat Sheet Of Font Terms, and a second sheet, showing the difference between using system fonts in Design Space, compared to other programs. |
Download the Printable from the Facebook Album Here: Here's a more detailed look at what is in the printable: |
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How To Find & Use Font Glyphs - |