Creating My Sourdough Journal - Assorted Printables

Starting My Sourdough Journal

I've been working through my collection of sourdough recipes this year, attempting to sort them out and keep only the recipes I love.  However, I didn't really keep track  specifically of what I liked, and what I didn't.  

And then I learned about sourdough logs.  And if I'm going to print a notebook full of logs, I may as well add some tips, and charts...  

Any regular binder or portfolio would work for this too - I just happen to already own a binding machine.  Ok, I technically own two.  One that does solid bindings (I like that better for genealogy books - I can label the thin spine) and one that does this comb style binding - which opens up flat and is better for cookbooks.  I rarely use the thermal "solid" binding one - it's more fickle, and the books don't open flat.  But this comb style one has been used hard.  It's simple to use.  I've made genealogy books, a Soap Making notebook, many, many family cookbooks,  a book of all of the winter sampler knit  along patterns...  

The really nice thing about this comb style is that you can put the completed book back in the machine, open the comb back up, and add or replace pages.  

My sourdough journal is nowhere near complete, but here  are a few of the printables I have compiled so far for in it:


This is my version of a log - and it's not yet the final draft, so I haven't added a link to download it - yet.
This is my first draft.  I've printed it to use for a couple of bakes, and then I'll tweak it as needed  The circles are where I will add my schedule (the time) and I'll fill in the recipe ingredients, recipe name at the top, etc.  Already I can see that I need a spot to fill in recipe source so I can remember where it came from...

Here's version 2 of my above log - this one allowed me to put an entire recipe on the left, and then write in the times/details for each step on the right.

After a few dozen bakes, I added these two:


This is another page I put together, but may edit quite a bit yet..  I pulled the notes I have saved about feeding starter (I have no idea who or where I saved them from - it's probably a compilation) and at the top I added a space to write about the history of my starter.  My starter is VERY  old - it's from a friends grandmother.  I thought it might be nice to have a spot to document that, and then room to make notes about who I share it with, or what exactly I feed it..  or..  whatever notes I feel I need to make about the actual starter.

Cover idea...  although I think I may switch out the black and white photo for a photo of one of my own loaves?  As I said, this is all a work in progress.  :-)

Hydration Notes - How to calculate sourdough hydration in recipes, and tips and various notes I have gathered.  BTW - it appears that 75% hydration is perfect for making the pumpkin loaves.  I've been using a 71.4 percent hydration myself, but the slightly higher hydration is preferred by those more experienced than me.  :-) 
Notes On Bread Flour Protein Percentages 
Although I'm not typically one to measure when I cook - for sourdough, I do pull out the scales and weight my ingredients.  It's nice to have a conversion chart on hand though... find this one at :

The Work Day Bake - Schedule from

I don't know where this one came from originally - if you recognize it, please let me know!
I do love a sourdough schedule..
This one is just pretty... 

And another schedule - this one from Instagram
Debugging Your Sourdough Crumb

Scoring Designs, From

A Sourdough Bake Record

Download a blank version of this Sourdough Baking  Log Here:

A simple lined page

Sourdough Discard Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
These were a HUGE hit here.  Find a printable version of the recipe here:

I don't actually know if this will print well - but look how pretty it is!
I did a reverse image search and the original appears to have come from a reddit thread:

But while looking for printables, I came across an online sourdough calculator:

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