On The Grill This Summer

I decided to concentrate on new recipe for the grill this summer.  So far, these are our favorites:

Main Dishes:
  Best Pork Chops
 1/3 c soy sauce
 1/4 oil
 3 T Lemon Pepper seasoning
 A little garlic 
 1/2 cup of water

Mix together, add pork chops.  Let marinate, then grill. 

Bacon, Chicken, Pineapple Kabobs


My Day In Pictures

#mydayinpics 9am 6159 steps so far. #fitbit

#farmlife Push mower is broken, so I'm mowing the backyard like the Amish.  Loaded Betsy up to go to auction.   #mydayinpics 10am 8417 #fitbit steps 4th load of laundry

Laundry. Finished the hand mowing. Laundry. Finished the detergent. laundry. Started weed whacking. Laundry. #mydayinpics 11th 9919 #fitbit steps

#mydayinpics 12pm. Cleaned the car. Wow. It was bad. 10808 #fitbit steps

#mydayinpics errands.

#mydayinpics #farmlife livestock auction, bought a goat. Introduced him to the others. Took pics of Maggies babies.

#mydayinpics 9pm.  Fed the boys when they came in from baling hay.  Sorted ALL of those socks.  Ironed the spots out of the table.  Watched the sunset. Folded more laundry.

My Solar Light Obsession.  I like to sit out here at night and read a bit before bed.

On The Farm 6/20/2014

Monday we sold Betsy at the Dewart Livestock Auction.  I hate doing that.  But practically, I cannot keep cows as pets.  Unless they can have babies.  I came home with a little billy goat, whom our son named Norbert.  I'm not a fan of the name, but it appears to be sticking...  We plan to seperate the goats this fall, splitting the goat pen in half and moving the baby girls born here this year to the back with Norbert, keeping the older girls, who are not related to Horton, with him to be bred.

Tuesday I went to the Middleburg Livestock Auction and bought some poultry:
They are all doing really well - I'm rather amazed.  

For the first time all month, there are 3 days in the forecast with no rain.  So the plan is to bale hay on Monday..  we're fervently praying it really does NOT rain this week-end!

C25k Training With Zombie 5k

Disclaimer - I'm not a Zombie Junkie. Zombies really have no interest at all for me.  I'm not a Walking Dead Fan.  What I am is easily bored, and easily entertained.  This app makes running less boring.  It's a couch to 5k program, combining walking and running, working up to running a full 5k.  It's done to a story, but the story is intermittent - it will break into your playlist (or audiobook) to set the scene and tell you to run, or walk, or do some lunges... and then it will return to your playlist.  It's something different.

Then, once you complete this, there is a second app - Zombies Run. It's broken into seasons, with story lines you run to at your own pace.  Just like the 5k app, it breaks into your playlist at times to move the story along, but there are no cues for walking or running - merely some for speeding up if zombies are near.

Full confession - when I heard there was a Zombies Season 2 - I was excited for a new couch to 5k story line.   But most people do not redo a couch to 5k every spring and fall of every year.  Most people work up to running a 5k and then just run.  Huh.  Interesting concept.  LOL!    So  "season 2" (I missed the season 1 announcement, and now they are at season 6 I believe...) is simply a story line, not a run/walk coaching program.  

Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight

2019  Update - I have finished this program, at least twice.  What I have not done is finish blogging about it.  Since I appear to be addicted to couch to 5k programs, perhaps I'll do this one again this year...  It will be interesting to compare how I do at this age, versus how I did at a younger age...

About Me:
I'm a 41 (in 2014) year old farm wife in central PA.  I'm really overweight.  REALLY overweight.  
I have exercise induced asthma, and I too often forget to use my inhaler before I start out, and I never carry it with me.  I need to carry it with me.   (HA!  It wasn't asthma.  It was critically low iron. And it got so bad that I could barely walk up a hill, let alone run, for a couple of years.  All fixed now.)
I've done the C25k plan numerous times.  I've never been able to really run a 5k at the end of the program, ever.  
  I've jogged two 5ks.  I finished before they stopped timing, but just barely ahead of the walkers, both times.
Each Spring it's like completely starting over.  Last year I could jog the entire Canal path at just under 13 minutes a mile.  This year I can barely jog 10 feet when I started this program.
I use an android phone - a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (I've stuck with the brand - using a Note 9 now!) - to run this app.
I also run the Charity Miles app at the same time.  Check it out - it contributes 25 cents a mile for every mile you run or walk, and 10 cents a mile for every mile you bike, to your choice of charities.  I donate to Wounded Warriors.

I completely missed this - I found it at the end of week 2.  There is a background story, you should listen to it while going for a walk/jog before beginning this program.  


Menu Plan Monday 6/30/14

I've been trying something new for my summer menu planning, and I like the concept, but would like to find a better app for it.  This is in google keep, which works well enough for now.

Rather than planning out a strict menu, I've started making a list of recipes that I have the ingredients for here at the house.  I'm concentrating a lot on Zucchini Recipes right now, since there is more ready in the garden every day.

I put the list, and a few photos, in a note in google keep, with links to the recipes if needed, and then each morning I try to figure out a head count (Seriously - I cook for 8, and it's just Dh & I.  I cook for Dh & I, and 6 extras show up... this season of life with teenagers is more chaotic than when we had toddlers!) and decide which meal to make.

The List Currently:

This is the menu/Shopping homescreen on my phone
KeyChain for all those loyalty cards
Out of Milk for My Shopping List
And Google Keep for my Menu List

And this is the post where I'm working my way through a list of Zucchini Recipes: