
I find myself wanting to come up with a cute name for this section of my blog..  From Fat To Fit (HA!  That implies that actually happened...  maybe Dreaming of Fat To Fit?) or The Old Aching Want To Be Runner (But even that implies that I WANT to be a runner, and I'm not really sure about that...  we'll see.)  My Achy Breaky feet...  (not actually broken, but they sure feel like it..  plantar fasciitis is more debilitating then I would have thought possible..)  

But I just don't know where I am going with this yet.  So you are welcome to come along for the run (we'll be jogging at best, to be clear) but be prepared for wild tangents and any excuse to stop and look at the turtles in the pond.  :-)  Oh - and my idea of "Goat Yoga" is being able to see the goats out the window as I do a 15 minute beginners stretch routine while yelling at the app that my body simply does not move that way....  

Biking - 
Diets & Books
Kayaking - 


Wifit - 
Yoga - 
  • The Down Dog App

Random (HA!  As if it is not all random with me....)
  • A Fitness Plan From July 2014 - I've saved this post just because I like to look back and see that I keep trying, no matter how often I fail.  :-)

And It specifies  ULTRAMARATHONER Dean Karnazes!!
How on earth did I get published in a book that looks like it is for serious runners?
A book with an ultramarathoner.
I'm an "ultra start a couch to 5k program and never quite finish it - er"
The title of my story is "Running From Zombies With My Socks On Backwards".
And it sums up all of my attempts at running quite nicely. Unlike the cover of this book.
I assume they collected stories from each end of the spectrum of runners. I find myself wishing I fell somewhere in the middle, but I'm afraid my story in this book will make it extremely obvious that that is not the case...  Hopefully it will make you laugh with me and not just at me.
Look for it on sale the first week in June 2019.


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