Organizing My Craft Supplies - Paper Storage
Although we have a spare bedroom upstairs, I prefer to keep my craft area in a corner of our laundry room. The reality for me is that if I stored everything away upstairs in a closed off room, I'd never use it. With it down here beside the kitchen, I have quicker and easier access to it. I can have the machines cutting while I'm cooking, or folding laundry, and I can walk out to work at my desk for a few minutes without feeling like I have shut myself off away from my husband. It's what works for me - and that's the key, figuring out what works for you. There is no one answer, we all work differently!
In this small space, I have an old office armoire that I picked up at a thrift store. It holds two cricut machines, our printer, & all of my paper and vinyl. Baskets on top hold more supplies. I also have a desk and dresser in this area, and a closet where more supplies are stored - but the bulk of what I use is accessible right here, beside the ironing board, which is convenient not only for dropping all sorts of odds and ends as we walk through the back door, but also for htv projects, once I clear it off. :-)
The bulk of my 12x12 paper is in cardboard holders. I do keep one clear 12x12 box of "seasonal paper", that I rotate out. So right now I have spring and summer papers in the cardboard storage, and fall and winter [Christmas] are in a clear 12x12 box. Sometime around late August/early September, I'll switch those.
My Font Categories
The first step in organizing my fonts was to create my own categories. These do not need to make sense to anyone else, they are strictly for my own reference. They may not technically be the correct description of the font. That doesn't matter. This step of the organizing process is all about how I see the fonts. Because I may not be able to find them if I have to remember terms like serif. :-) Your categories may be completely different! Think about what works for you. I'm including a break down of my categories, along with visuals of some of the fonts I have in each category, below.
Each category gets its own folder. I don't hesitate to put the same font in more than one folder - font files are generally pretty small and do not take up much space.
Tips For Sorting SVG Multi Bundles
While I LOVE all these massive free bundles from Creative Fabrica - dealing with the files once they are downloaded can be a bit overwhelming. Her are some tips for saving your files, and finding them later, without having too much of an overwhelming mess.
My Cricut Craft Space - Projects In Progress
Quick Links:
- My [old] Cricut Craft Space (not yet updated since we've redone the room)
- How I Store My Vinyl Scraps (Also old - Same concept, but I now use two separate scrapbooks, and they are binder style instead of post style)
- Dollar Tree Plastic Folders - thicker, $1 each
- Dollar Tree Plastic Folders - thinner, 3 for $1
- Projects In Progress Printable Planner Sheet
- The font I used to label the folders is the free GT Herina. Be sure to use something other than Design space, such as the free fontlab pad, if you want to see those pretty ligatures appear.

Quick Tip - How To Quickly Organize All Of Those Free SVGS
- For Free Cloud Storage, Try Dropbox, One Drive And Or Google Drive
- Folders By Theme - Christmas, Baby, Farm, Etc
- I delete everything but the svg (many like to save the pngs too - they work great for print then cut)
- Consider renaming files with designers name, and a C if it has a commercial use license
- Download this extension to see thumbnail views of your svg files
- winzip - Free trial (although it will continue to work after your trial is up, you will just get a nag screen every time you use it)
- 7zip - Completely Free!
"The __MACOSX folder is created when a Mac user creates and archive (also called a zip file) using the Mac. If the Mac user sends the zip file to another Mac user, the folder will not appear - this is a hidden folder. "
In other words, delete it, it's not needed.
Delete the Extras
I delete almost everything, except the svgs. PNG files can be better for Print Then Cut Projects, so a lot of people prefer to save those as well as the SVGs.
View SVG Files as Thumbnails
By default, your svg files may look like html files. You can download a simple extension that will fix that, and then you can scroll through thumbnail previews of your svgs - making it much easier to sort them!
Sort into folders by theme
Facebook Group- For Questions, Support, Sharing Projects,
and LOADS More Free SVGS in themed posts with links in the comments
My Cricut Craft Space
To the left is the counter where we have always kept the cats food dish. It keeps the dogs out of the catfood, but it also means that the cat jumps on this dresser, then on to the counter, to eat. He likes to sleep here a lot, so cat fur and cat foot prints are constantly an issue here. :-)
I never use the bluetooth option on my cricut. It's so convenient to just plug it in, I just haven't bothered. We use Bluetooth a lot here - Bluetooth speakers, and data transfers.. I notice the connection sometimes drops, especially in this room, so I just don't risk it not working well when using the cord is so convenient.
The middle drawers are my vinyl storage. These are 2-3 rolls deep. 651 & 631 on the left, htv on the right. Baskets for the scraps. I bought large bundles of colors off amazon when I first started. I don't really regret that, but if I had it to do over, I'd buy a LOT of black, white, Navy, and maybe two accent colors. I use so much black and white, I order that at least once a month. (LOVE amazon prime! free shipping!) The other color I have loved is that teal siser glitter htv. I never use much of it, I've only ever bought the one roll, it's an accent color, but it's one of my favorites! I don't really use cricut vinyl. I don't think the htv adheres as well, and I can buy Orcal 651 cheaply on amazon. Siser htv and Orcal 651 are what I use.
On the left is fabric for current or near future projects. Here currently is fabric for dog bandannas, pillow cases, and capes. I have more fabric in a closet in the downstairs bathroom. On the right is the contact paper (for transferring designs), freezer paper (for stencils), wax paper (for storing htv designs that are cut but nor ironed on) and some contact paper and fabric paper that I bought to play with but haven't actually used yet...
This room does not have great lighting. I found a shop light at Sam's club - it is easy to hang, plugs in, and is a great work light. It cost me around $30.
The shelves over the windows hold more blanks and supplies.
That's my space! I do keep a weeding tool, small scissors, and small garbage can beside my favorite chair in the living room. I do most of my weeding in front of the tv. I tried one of the light tracing pads for weeding, but it really isn't much help for me, I prefer overhead light. I think I'd like an ott overhead light, but I haven't purchased one yet..