Cricut For Beginners Lesson #2 - Vinyl On A Candle Holder

This is a very simple, basic, project meant for those who have been afraid to take their cricut out of the box.  You'll learn to upload a free image, cut it, weed it, and apply it to a Dollar Tree Candle Holder.

Supplies Needed:

  • 1 Square Dollar Tree Candle Holder (or any similar item you already own)
  • Vinyl - it can be 631 (temporary) or 651 (permanent) for this project, it does not matter.  We are not using HTV (Iron On) for this project.  That works a bit differently.
  • Transfer Paper (Buy a roll of Magic Cover Shelf liner,  clear contact paper, while at the Dollar Tree for your candle holder - it works great!)  
  • Free Snowflake SVG  NOTE - The file I used for this tutorial is no longer free!  That means this entire posts needs a bit of a rewrite.  I'm working on it!
  • A weeding tool (Although not always a fan of cricut products, I love their tool set and use it constantly - The Nicapa brand is identical to the Cricut brand, and $3 cheaper, on Amazon)
  • A Scraper (If you do not have the tool set, a pampered chef pan scrapers and credit cards work well)

These square candle holders are absolutely perfect for a beginners project.
The round candle holders are slightly, only slightly, more challenging, because it's not a flat surface.  But this candle holder will give us four surfaces to practice on.  For this lesson we will be decorating just one side - we'll add on in future lessons.

For your vinyl, you can use whatever you have on hand.  651, or 631, it does not matter.   You can just pick up a roll at the Dollar Tree, if yours carries it.   If you are ordering vinyl, I suggest the Frisco brand of permanent vinyl.  It's inexpensive, weeds great, and holds up wonderfully.  Personally, I do not like Cricut Vinyl.  I find it to be overpriced, and it has not held up well for me.  There are a lot of sites with great sales, but until I pay shipping, it's rare that anyone beats the prices on Amazon.

Uploading The Image To Design Space
  • Go to Design Space, If it's your first time, you will need to create an account
  • Go To Design Bundles, Download the Free SVG  (Again, you may need to create an account - this is a GREAT site, you'll want a free account here for their weekly freebies!)
Download The Free SVG
The file will download as zip file, and will likely go download to the downloads folder on your computer, depending on your device and system.  

Unzip The SVG
Once it downloads, you will need to unzip it.  (Most likely you can right click on the file and choose extract, but you may need to download software to unzip files).

I have a very detailed step by step on unzipping and using free svgs in Design Space, if you need more visuals -

Open Design Space. 

 It may look slightly different than this, they are constantly doing updates, and I am using a beta version here, but it will be similar to this.  In the top right choose "New Project".

Now you have your Design Space Canvas.  This is where you create all of your designs to cut with cricut.  We won't be designing anything today, merely uploading - so click on the upload button on the bottom left.

Browse to the folder where you have unzipped the downloaded svg, and locate the one that looks like an html file.  I use Google Chrome as my browser, so for me this is a chrome icon - it's the bottom file here, and it says "chrome html file"  under type.  SVGS are html files.  

Once it is uploaded, click on it, and then on the bottom right choose "Insert Images".  

When the image is in Design Space, you will see it is way to large for our candle holder.  At the top of the screen, where it says size,  make sure the lock icon is "locked".  Click on it, and you will see it lock, or unlock.  

In 2022, it is currently unlocked by default for newly uploaded images.  Locking it keeps the size ratio.  If you want to change JUST the height, then unlock.  If you want to change the height and keep the width ratio, resizing the entire image without stretching it out, you want to keep the size ratio locked.

For this project, with the lock ON, in the box beside the w type 2.5

This image has uploaded in a blue color.  You can change the color in design space if you would like (top left hand of the screen) but there's no need when your design is a simple one color design.  It is going to cut out of whatever color vinyl you put in the machine, no matter what color is on the screen.

Cut The Design
Place your vinyl on the cricut mat, hold it up to the rollers and push the arrow button on the right of the machine.  This will pull the mat in under the rollers, your vinyl is now "loaded" and ready to be cut.

I used a Cricut Air 2 for this project, so if you have a Maker, your dial will look a bit different. On the Air2, set the dial to vinyl.  Then go back to Design Space, and on the top right click "Make it" and then on the bottom right, choose "continue."  The machine will cut your design.

I own both a Maker and an Air 2, but I find the Maker to be so much more temperamental, and so much fussier about which settings are needed.  I VERY MUCH prefer my Air2.   

Weed Your Design
When you remove the vinyl from the mat, cut the design off the roll of vinyl - so you have a square like on the left.  Then use your tool an separate the vinyl from the backing, starting at the top corner and working on the diagonal.

You will be left with a vinyl "sticker" on the backing.

Transfer Your Design
 Next Cut a piece of your transfer tape (Dollar Tree contact paper works well) a little larger than your design.

Remove the back from the contact paper - but save it, you can use this over and over until it is no longer sticky.  Place the clear contact paper over top of the design.  


Flip the design upside down, rub over it.  
Then peel back the backing so that the sticker is on the contact paper.
Place on the candle holder.  rub over the top, then remove the clear transfer paper, leaving the vinyl design on the candle holder.

That's all there is to it!


Brand New Group For Cricut Crafters!

A Facebook Group For Tips, Tricks, Project Tutorials, & Loads of Free SVGS!

A new facebook group for newbies to learn, and for everyone to share your tutorials, free svgs, and cricut tips!  Come share what you are working on, or ask for advice - we'd love to have you join us!

Vintage Thanksgiving Recipes From Pennsylvania Newspapers

From The Shamokin Dispatch In 1965 A Recipe that may go out of style, but never fails when followed.

By 1895, According to the Miltonian Newspaper our Thanksgiving Dinners had become "dainty".  Apparently they included "Chops in lace, paper frills, and sandwiches tied with pink ribbon".  I'm not familiar with those Thanksgiving trends, they apparently did not last.

Below are a variety of old recipes pulled from local newspapers.  They include a great article on pie making for "those who may be out of practice" in 1935, and recipes from everything from Oyster Stew to Pineapple Cabbage Jello.

For the clippings that are smaller, and harder to read, right click and "save as", then you can enlarge the photo on your computer. Sometimes just clicking on the photo will enable you to enlarge it as well.
A Traditional Menu Before Thanksgiving Became "Dainty"
"In the days of the good old Thanksgiving a well spread table was not considered complete unless it was provided with all of the following dished. here is an old fashioned Thanksgiving Menu: Oyster Stew, Roast Turkey, Roast Chicken, Sparerib, Sausages, Head Cheese, Mashed Potatoes, Hot Slaw, Boiled Onions, Turnips, Pickles, Raised Biscuits, White Bread, Currant Jelley, Preserves, Honey In Comb, Fruit Cake, Doughnuts, Mince, Apple Custards and Pumpkin Pies. Cheese. Apples and Nuts. Cider. Tea and Coffee."

Friday December 6, 1895
One of MANY Table Service Ads that ran around Thanksgiving . This one from 1935

Several Excellent Thanksgiving Pie Recipes For "Those Who Need Some Practice" in 1935

Wilkes Barre Time Leader 1935
A Full Thanksgiving Menu, With Recipes, in 1941
Oyster Stew, Cranberry Orange Relish, Sausage Stuffing,
Magic Yeast Rolls & More -
The Snyder County Tribune 1941
A Collection Of Recipes From 1928, Including Date Pudding
The Warren Times Mirror, 1928
A Full Thanksgiving Menu From 1940
Escalloped Oysters, Fruit Cocktail, Honey Almond Sweet Potatoes, Zucchini Squash With Tomatoes, and More-
The "New Thanksgiving Recipe" for Rice Betsy in 1958 Does Not Appear To Have Caught On

1939s Thanksgiving Recipes Included
Cabbage-Pineapple gelatin salad, Creamed Onions With Cream Cheese, and Oranged Sweet Potatoes
Health Advice For Enjoying Your Thanksgiving Meal, From 1928
Tips For Choosing A Turkey, and A Recipe For Turkey Pot Pie To Use Up Leftovers
From 1935
Lets Not Forget The Boilo - A Coal Country Tradition
Spiced Honey Whiskey

Harry Potter Christmas Ornaments With Cricut (Free SVGS)

Harry Potter Inspired Christmas Ornaments
& Where To Find The Free SVGS for them

Quick Links:
Quick Tips:
  • When Cutting foil vinyl, always cut on vinyl+ and cut it twice.  When the machine stops cutting, do NOT unload the mat - tap the c button again, and it will repeat the exact same cut in the exact same spot.
  • The smaller the decal, the easier to apply to a rounded surface.  I kept mine at 2.5 - but smaller would have been better (but harder to weed)
  • Cut the vinyl and overlap it on the sides if it "bubbles".
  • Use a hairdryer to warm up, and smooth down, the vinyl

In Design Space, I create circles so I can decide what colors to use for each ornament.

Then I laid the ornaments out in front of the screen, to make sure I had the right colors.  :-)
Most of the glitter for these came from the packs sold at the Dollar Tree! The packs have several colors, and you will want two of the same color for one ornament, so be sure to buy two packs if you are using these.  

This is a great file, BUT there is a problem with the second D in Quidditch.  It's simple to fix - just ungroup, delete, duplicate the first D and place  it, then select all and attach.

File is in about the middle of the page
You have to sign up for her emails first.  Click on the link in the email confirming you want to subscribe, and then you will get a second email with a download link.  
It's worth the hassle, in my opinion - this is the best hogwarts crest cut file I have found for free.  :-)

SVGS For the Faces are here
9 3/4 is typed in the Font MT Engraver

I used the Frisco Vinyl on these - It's super cheap (30 feet for $17) on Amazon, free shipping, and I am loving this vinyl!  It cuts and weeds beautifully!  I have only seen rolls of black unfortunately, but since black is what I use the most of, it was a good buy for me.

More SVGS For Harry Potter Inspired Ornaments:

Sorting Hat

Not A Cricut Project, but this tree skirt is really cute, and she tells you how she made it step by step:

A Facebook Group For Tips, Tricks, Project Tutorials, & Loads of Free SVGS!

For Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, and Loads Of Free SVGS - Find Me on Facebook:

An Index Of Tips, Tutorials, & Free SVGS For Making Christmas Ornaments

Where To Find MORE Free Harry Potter SVGS

Decorating Dollar Tree Lanterns With Cricut (Using Free SVGS)

I've found these lanterns with the automobile supplies at our local Dollar Tree, several times over the years.  I don't currently see them listed on their website, but if you are lucky enough to find them in your local store, they make a quick, fun, kids gift.

Quick Links:
These are two sided, with text on one side, and a face on the other.

I put a box around the button to make it easier to find.

The box around the button is .98 wide by .75 tall

I made this project back in 2019, so unfortunately, not all of the svgs are still available. 

The Backhoe  one still is, and it is a favorite of mine, I use it on a lot of shirts for my grandsons!  Find it here:


Quidditch T-shirts With Cricut

Hogwarts Quidditch T-shirts (Using a Free SVG)
Quick Link:
When you click on the link to download this svg, the actual svg will open in a new window.  Right click on it and "save as"

This is a great file, BUT there is a problem with the second D in Quidditch.  It's simple to fix - just ungroup, delete, duplicate the first D and place  it, then select all and attach.

The red shirt is from Michaels, and the Blue one is from Wal-Mart.  The George brand shirts from Wal-Mart are super soft!


For Tips, Tutorials, & Free SVGS , Follow my FB Page - 

Where To Find MORE Free Harry Potter SVGS

Our Hearts Aim High - Air Force Christmas Ornament

Quick Links:

Although shown in black here, I cut the logo and the text both from dark blue 651 vinyl.

I made this ornament before Design Space had a curve feature for text, so the font is Henny Penny, curved in the Phonto App. 

 Design Space now allows you to curve text, making this even easier! 

You can not curve once you have ungrouped letters.  If you ungroup your text, the curve option will go away.


An Index of Christmas Ornament  Tips, Tutorials and Free SVGS

Which Vinyl For Which Project - and the cheapest places to buy it -