Christmas In July - Supply Inventory


Christmas In July Supply Inventory Planner Sheet

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I spent the last week of June cleaning out my craft area, and my craft storage closet.

I got rid of a lot.

And I found a lot I forgot I had.  

But, mostly, I was inspired to craft again.  I find that when I am in a bit of a crafting slump, cleaning out my space always seems to inspire me.  I'm glad I got this clean out done before I begin my Christmas in July project.  I'll need to plan on doing another good clean out in a month or two - there won't be  much time between fall and Christmas.  :-)


The next part of this is figuring out some storage.  Where will I store my "projects in progress"?  Where will I store the completed items, so that I can find them at Christmas time?  It will be important for me to designate some areas for these things, or I'll be frustrated with them cluttering up my craft space when I'm trying to work on other things, later this year.  And I'll be a lot more frustrated if I can't find the projects I DID complete.

I own a lot of baskets.  A ridiculous amount of baskets.  So for me, I'll likely designate a large basket for projects in progress, stored in page protectors or large zip lock bags.  Complete projects I'll put in a box in the closet in our spare room - one for the farm, and a separate box that is specifically for items I plan to mail to the England grandchildren.  There are floor to ceiling bookshelves in the guest room, that currently have a lot of empty shelves.  I had cleared them off last month, intending to bring books from the attic to fill the space...  but now I'll leave one shelf just for the advent calendars, as they are likely to take up the most room and be hardest to store.


Here's a look at which vinyl to use for each project, AND a list of my favorite places to purchase vinyl, with price comparisons INCLUDING SHIPPING COSTS.  It drives me nuts when price comparisons do not include the shipping.  :-)
Fair warning - these prices probably need updated, again.

And here's a look at some of the other tools I like to have on hand to use with my cricut crafts.  #1 is a fabric measuring tape.  HANDS DOWN the most used item in my craft room.

Also for Week ONE of Christmas In July:
Sort & Organize The Christmas SVGS
Check Your SVG Purchases
Do a quick inventory of your goals.

My Christmas Planner - The Index

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