Download a bundle of 7 Designs, and find a list of more to download as well.

With a family the size of ours, with two sons and a nephew serving, and many deployments between them - I've made a LOT of RED shirts. We all have at least one or two. Or four. Pretty much everyone I know now has one or two. They are quick and simple to make, and pretty inexpensive, too.
Cliff Notes:
- T-shirts are from Wal-Mart or Michaels. I REALLY like the George brand from Wal-mart, they are super soft and typically cost less than $5.
- I use a regular Iron - Always have. 5 years, hundreds of shirts, never a problem, with just an iron - no fancy heat press here. (I don't want to make room for a heat press in my craft room)
Originally this post walked you through , step by step, how I created each of these designs in Design Space. 5 years later, I've created them all as svgs and put all 6 of them in one zip file for you. If you want to know what fonts were used, how to make these yourself, I saved most of the information from the original post here, all the way at the bottom of this post, under the list of where to find MORE Red Friday Designs.
Here's a look at some of the many items I have made with these, and other military svgs:
I made Christmas Ornaments with some of these designs:
A shirt for my grandson
And more. I'm not kidding when I say I have made DOZENS of RED Friday Shirts.
I can't even look at this one without crying.
Our one grandson was 2 during his daddy's last deployment. He picked out this dinosaur svg for his welcome home shirt - it's a free svg that we modified . At the time, I don't think he understood that his daddy would walk through the door later that night. But he helped make his shirt, and was excited to wear it.
And then my son came home. My daughter in law and grandson chose to be here on the farm for his homecoming, because she's awesome like that, and wanted us to get to see him too. My grandson just kept saying over and over "It's my Dadda. It's my dadda. ", in a complete tone of wonder. We have it on video.
Here's where to get the free svg, and how to modify it
One of our Christmas trees [Don't even ask. Depends on the year. Only 2 live ones though - the rest are all artificial] is done in a military theme - here's how I made most of the ornaments
How to make the Our Hearts Aim High, Proud Air Force Parents ornament
Where to download MORE RED Friday SVGS
Where To Find Free Military Themed SVGS
I like this idea a lot - especially for Navy moms... I haven't attempted to make my own version yet. The flag here would be a nightmare to weed.. I'd find a ship without a flag, or with a more solid flag, I think, if I were to make this one...
There is a great waving flag SVG here:
Also NOT an svg.
One of my children sent me this image to recreate - but they have a lot more faith in my abilities than they should. LOL!
- Fonts are Stencilla & Berlin Sans
I found the soldier by googling "kneeling soldier silhouette"
Upload the silhouette to design space, use the magic wand and click on the white space to make it all disappear. Now you have just a black silhouette.
Step by step how to convert simple free clipart in design space:
- Create a rectangle
Choose the square.
At the top of your screen, click on the lock so that it unlocks.
Resize to W 10.361 x H 3.125
Type your text, add the soldier in the space where the R would be, and then you have options. You CAN just select attach. This will make it look like one black rectangle, but it WILL cut the letters and soldier shape out of the box. I use this option frequently for quick designs. But because this is a design I use a lot, and I want to see the actual design each time i use it, I slice for this one.
To slice, first select the F and the Soldier silhouette, and the rest of the word - iday. Now with all of that, but NOT the rectangle, selected, choose weld. Place the welded image over your rectangle (I usually change the welded image to a color like white, so it can be seen clearly) and then select the welded image and the rectangle and choose slice.
With slice, you have to drag a few parts away. There will be the white layer you started with - drag that away and delete it, and then there will be another layer of black that was cut out of the rectangle - drag that away and delete it as well.
Repeat the same slicing process with the words you want cut out of the word RED. Don't forget to weld your words before attempting to slice. Slice only works with two images at a time, and each letter is considered it's own image in design space, unless they are welded into one image.
For More Quick Tip Cards Like This One, Go Here:
For this one, it's just simple lines of text. I explain how to slice in the last design, I won't repeat that here. Type ON in it's own text box, and then rotate it sideways. Super simple design!
The Fonts:
ON - Bernard MT
Fridays - Arial Black
We Wear - Skitka Banner
RED - Arial Black
This is my favorite design. Full disclosure, I purchased a copy of this design on Etsy 5 years ago. And then found out that another woman was FURIOUS that it was being sold there, she claimed to have designed it and was giving it away, she did not want it sold. That was when I first learned that people did that - download free svgs, then upload them to Etsy and sell them.
Since then, I've found this exact design, and many, many variations, for sale everywhere - from reputable online svg sites, to Etsy. Many of those sites have come and gone over the past 5 years. So, although it is incredibly WRONG to offer a free download of an svg I did not create, at this point, I'm going to do it anyway. I cannot find that woman who was so upset 5 years ago. I don't know if she was truly the designer (although I think it MUCH more likely than the Etsy shops at that time ). I am going to take great liberty and assume that IF she was the original designer, she would be fine with me offering this for free, along with the other designs I have re created over the years, from shirts I have seen. The copy I have included is the "free" version - although it is identical in every way to the one I bought [from an etsy site that no longer exists]
I would never sell it. That's the line for me. But I also don't know who really created the original, and if it truly was the woman I came across online 5 years ago, she did NOT want this sold, she wanted it to be free for those who had loved ones deployed. So better to download it here from me for FREE, than to buy it from someone on Etsy who stole it. Or at least that is how I am justifying this. It's a very grey line, and it makes me a little uncomfortable, but not so much so as to stop me. It's a great design.
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