Sourdough Discard - Assorted Notes
In my Sour Notes Journal was a title page, designating the section of Discard Recipes.
The page had been mostly blank, with just the phrase "Discard Recipes" in the center.
That seemed a waste. I pay for my printing by the page, not by the ink usage. [Thank you HP Instant Ink]. So I might as well fill the page with random notes...
Here's what I stuck on there:
Sourdough Discard Pizza
The key: Make sure your pan is good and hot before you add the discard, then swirl it gently so it covers the pan, not too thickly. Cook, add the toppings, then cook again.
I've also made this on the grill! Heat the cast iron pan on the grill, cook the crust for about 10 minutes, then flip it out of the pan onto a cutting board [so it's upside down]. Top, then slide back onto the grill - crust straight on the grill - for another 10-15 minutes.
Two differnt recipes, one one printable page, below
Soft Sourdough Sandwich Bread - A Comparison Of Variations
Every time I make soft sourdough sandwich bread, I am asked if I tried such and such a recipe.
I love that, really I do. But SO many of the recipes are the same, just under different names. Below are four very popular recipes, all with some variation. One even offers an added commercial yeast option if you are in a hurry or your starter is lagging...
These are not the only recipes out there. And the chart below is a "condensed" version of the recipes. To read the entire recipe, visit the sites:
Pantry Mama Soft Sourdough
Feathered Nester Soft Sourdough
Farmhouse On Boone Soft Sourdough