Where To Find Free Star Wars SVGS & Project Ideas

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Sites With A Category For Star Wars SVGS:

Free Star Wars Inspired Fonts



SVGS For Geeks is my go to site for character svgs
Use the search feature, and you may need to page through the results, but this is one of many options there.  https://www.geeksvgs.com/search/Star+Wars

When you click on any link to this site, you will likely see a full page of ads and think you are at the wrong place.  But if you scroll down..  they have a great collection of svgs! There are quite a few really nice Star Wars ones here - just below the ads.

Find a whole collection here: 

The svg is about 1/3 of the way down the page, under the photo of the sign trim painted black

Free SVG
She used the svg as a stencil then used a sharpie to "paint" the mug.  Love it!

Includes all the svgs she used for this decor, and a nice step by step how to

Star Wars Sun Hat - free svg

Hans Solo Lucky Dice
Free SVGS to make your own

Star Wars Die Cuts

Star Wars Easter Baskets - Print Then Cut , free svgs

Star Wars symbols & silhouettes
How To Clean Up Simple Clipart To Cut In Design Space

Printable Projects:

A whole collection of hand lettered silhouette designs
Star Wars Printable Gift Boxes

Make Your Own Kessel Run Marble Maze

Star Wars Blueprints

Star Wars Coffee Themed Printables

Star Wars Lantern Template
(enter your email to receive the free svg)

Star Wars Snowflake Patterns

Star Wars Shadow Puppets

Star Wars Printable Masks

Chewbacca Puppet

And for LOTS more free svg links, join the facebook group here!

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Tips For Creating SVGS In Inkscape

This morning I wanted to create an svg to share with someone.  It's a text design, and I'm using commercial use fonts, so I thought it would be pretty simple. (It was definitely not.)  I've learned that the quickest way was for me to type each line of text one at a time in to fontlab pad, save it, then send her several svgs to put together herself in design space.

But I was still frustrated with not knowing why Inkscape wasn't doing what I know it can do.  So I went searching, and found a few answers.  I still have SO much to learn, but below are a few quick answers that helped tremendously.

Quick Links:
Typing the text in inkscape was easy enough, and I immediately thought "this is so easy!" and that all I had to do was save as an svg.  No. When I attempted to upload it to Design Space, I got a message that it was unsupported.  A few quick google searches taught me that I had to "convert to path".

Convert To Path In Inkscape

  • select text
  • choose Object/Ungroup
  • select all the letters, choose Path/Stroke To Path
  • There's a really good explanation of the differences between Stroke To Path & Object To Path here.  From that site: "One of the main things to remember when working with stroke is it will always cut as a single line regardless of how wide the stroke looks on your screen. If you only want to print the design you do not have to make changes. However, if you wish to cut the design you would apply Path>Stroke to Path to ensure the design cuts how it looks on your screen."

Ok, that was a quick fix!  No problem!  Saved as an svg.

And then I uploaded it to Design Space and it was 542 inches wide.  I'm not kidding.  It took a few minutes to load, so I suspected it was going to be large, but 542 inches wide?  I was expecting it to be 8 inches wide.  I couldn't even see it in design space, because the x y position was all messed up too..  but I'll get to that later.  First things first.  Fix the communication between inkscape and design space.

Quick Settings To Fix Sizing Issues:
  • cntrl/shift/D (all at once) to access the document properties in Inkscape
  • Set Display Units to px
  • Set Custom Size Units to px
  • Set custom size to  1080 x 1080

That seems to work!

Fixing The X Y coordinates
 from Inkscape To Design Space

Quick Settings:
  • For a true fix - No idea, I'm still clueless
  • As a work Around - I just changed the x to 1 and the y to 1 once it was uploaded, and that moved it to a spot on the canvas where I could see it.
The Problem - when I uploaded the svg, you can only see the bottom of the design.
If You look at the Y  position, it is at -8.74
I don't have any idea how to fix this from the Inkscape end, but in Design Space, I simply changed the X to 1 and the Y to 1 - and that moved the design to a visible space in Design Space.


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Failed Options Saved For Reference:

Quick Settings To Fix Sizing Issues: (FAIL)

  • cntrl/shift/D (all at once) to access the document properties in Inkscape
  • Set Display Units to in
  • Set Custom Size Units to in
  • Set custom size to 12 x 12 (the size of the mat for cricut)
  • Set Scale to 72 - If I understand correctly, this tells Inkscape that Design Space reads an inch as 72 pixels.  Or something like that.  Notice that the scale in my 1st example is .26 - that change was automatic. I think messing with this is tricky.
I'm including this method because the first time I tried it, it worked like magic!  When I went back and tried to repeat it, It did not work.  I must be missing something the second time around, but I do not know what!  

Find An Index Of All Of My Cricut Related Posts Here:


Facebook Page - For Tips, Tricks, & Free SVGS

Facebook Group- For Questions, Support, Sharing Projects, 
and LOADS More Free SVGS in themed posts with links in the comments