My Favorite Reads of 2012

See All Of My Book Themed Posts Here: 

Overall I feel like the books I read in 2012 were just not that memorable. That is why one of my resolutions for 2013 is not to read more books, but to read better books.

Gripping, Hard to Put Down

I did not know this was a series when I started it..  and I was NOT happy that I did not have the sequel!  I am looking forward to reading the next two in this series in 2013.

Just Fun To Read

A year on ladybug farm is the first of three books, and they are all charming, fun, reads.  Great summer reading!

I don't know what made me choose this one, and I know I didn't expect to like it nearly as much as I did. Tigers in Red Weather: A Novel

Free At Amazon, and it is really a fun read!

Another of my absolute favorites from 2012.

I Felt Like I Learned Something

This was one of my favorite reads in 2012.  The Dirty Life is about their personal journey starting a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).

Wish I Had Not Wasted My Time

So hard to believe this was by the same author as the Harry Potter books.  This was tedious to read,and I wish I had not been so determined to finish it - it was not worth finishing.

From my GoodReads Review: "There were parts of this book I could honestly relate to. Many of the symptoms of her ADHD, or "how her brain works", were achingly familiar to me. But those tidbits were hidden in so much junk and disaster (not funny disaster - more like "grow up already" disaster) that I found myself trying to distance myself even from the parts I could relate to. It's her life, her story, and she has a right to tell it.. I just really wish I had not wasted my time reading it"

Summer Reading
a list of books I read in the summer of 2012, sorted by star rating.

Christmas Reads

This year I sorted all sorts of Christmas themed books into a to read pile for the  month of December.  It was fun! It enabled me to sample a bunch of different authors, and inspired me to add a bunch of Agatha Christie to my to read list for 2013.

Instead of posting free books here on my blog, since they are usually limited time offerings, I now post them on my facebook page.  You can see them by liking Fields Of Heather here:

Ten Books That Made Me Think in 2011  -

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