Geocaches Are Out There - Free svg

Geocaching is a game - sort of a treasure hunt, but there is no real treasure other than the find.
You download the app  - - and then look for geocaches near you.  Go find them, sign the log inside, and then log it online.  

Some of the geocaches will be on guardrails and stop signs, or in a lamp post in a parking lot.  NOT my idea of fun.  Other caches are hikes in the woods, overlooks, beautiful and historical locations..  those I love.  My husband is an avid geocacher - he not only wants to find them all, he builds caches and teaches others about geocaching.

Me?  I go along for the fun stuff - the pretty hikes to overlooks, and historical spots.  We've found so many cool sights we never would have found on our own, through geocaching. 
I've made a LOT of geocaching shirts over the years.  But this Geocaching is out there is his absolute favorite.  He's always asking me to make him another one.

I've never been able to share the svg with you, because it's someone elses design that I adapted.

But today I realized I could share the link to the FREE design I started with, and just upload the svg that I added to adapt it.  So you have to download from two different places, contour out the adventure and is, then add in the second svg and weld them together. 

Weld, or combine, whichever you prefer - but you want to weld or combine so that the overlapping h in geocaching doesn't leave cut lines in the "swoosh"
I started with this FREE svg from

I removed the word Adventure & the word is
[use contour]

Then I added this:

Find more free svgs for geocachers here:

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