Extra Starter Sourdough

[printable recipe at bottom of post]

This "Extra Starter" sourdough is a recipe I've been making a lot recently.  It's pretty forgiving.  For this particular loaf, I did one stretch and fold, got called away to help a neighbor, then rushed off to evening plans, completely forgetting about the dough.  I came home, HOURS later, did a second stretch and fold, left it sit on the counter for a couple more hours, then stuck it in the fridge.

So, two stretch and folds, maybe 6 hours apart?  And it sat out on the counter [under a damp towel] for probably 9-10 hours in total.  It's cold here right now, my kitchen is very cool, maybe 64 degrees...  so that worked just fine.  I don't think it would work so well in the summer.  :-)  That's the thing about sourdough - you can't set specific times.  You have to watch the dough.  

 Last week when I made this same recipe, I was very rushed, and it was only out on the counter [bulk ferment] a total of maybe 4 hours - including the stretch and folds.  It was fine.  Very edible, I took it to a family gathering and it was quickly devoured.  But it was not my best loaf.


An Index Of My Sourdough Adventures

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