Where To Find The FREE Summits - A Calendar

Upcoming FREE Summit Events
March 2024
Please note - I never recommend buying the VIP pass.  More about that at the bottom of this post.
 TIP - These Summits will have as many as 40 presenters.  All of them will receive your email address when you sign up. ALL of them will try to convince you to buy the VIP pass, and dozens of other things they are selling.  It's a really good idea, if you plan to participate in a lot of these, to create an email address just for these events.  

March 1-3

March 7-11

About the "VIP" Passes, to these free events:
These events are non stop - there's always another one coming up. The events are FREE - but typically the classes & downloads are only available for free for 24 hours. They all offer a "VIP" lifetime access pass.

Fear Or Missing Out can be VERY expensive. Please know that not only are there already thousands of great tutorials and svgs out there for FREE, or very reasonable prices, but there are also dozens of these "free" summits. Especially over the holiday season. [Summits remind me of a time share spiel.. do they still do those? They were big in the 80s, when I was a kid. Go listen to a sales pitch, get a free gift... My mom once drug us to one for a free "grandfather" style clock. I think it was made of particle board?]

"$50 Value" is an opinion. Think of it as a price on ebay. I can list anything, at any price - for instance, a particle board grandfather clock for $4,000. But that doesn't make it "worth" that price. You have to determine that worth for yourself, based on your budget, and what you personally are looking for. Check your options - there are so, so many options.

My recommendation, always, is to start with what is free. Learn which designers and crafters create the designs you like best for your style, then support them by purchasing designs and projects from them, rather than spending your craft budget on subscriptions, and "VIP Passes" for a lot of things you will truly never use. Just my suggestion.

In my experience, if you don't have time for the class when its free for 24 hours, you probably won't have time for it later. There's just so much out there, and still only 24 hours in each day.
Signing up for these will put you on a dozen or more new email lists - if there are 20 presenters at the summit, all of them will now start emailing you special deals and offers. It's a really good idea to create another email just for signing up for these things - I wish I had done that a long time ago.


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