Layered Paper Shadow Boxes (The Dollar Tree Version)

Cut paper designs, layered with pop dots in between, and a strand of lights at the back, form a lighted layered shadow box.


The Frame
I started with this dollar tree frame.  I attempted to take the design off with nail polish remover, but what I had here is not 100% acetone, and although it was working, it was a VERY slow process.  I pulled out the VLR (used to remove htv mistakes) and that took the design off really quickly!

The Layered Paper Design

Tips For Making Your Own Design
  • Create a square that fits your frame
  • Make another square an inch smaller, slice it from the original, to create a "frame".  
  • Add your designs so they "attach" to the frame - each paper needs to be one piece.  Select all and weld to make it one.
  • At least 4 pages seems to work best
  • Use thicker, textured, paper for a more finished look - but plain white card stock from the Dollar tree (or the Michaels packs)  does work!
When making the design, I made each layer a different color, so I could see how they would "fit" when stacked.  I changed all of the layers back to white before cutting.

My first attempt was a fail - I forgot to make sure the truck was completely attached.  I ended up adding rectangles to the design and welding them, so that it cut as one piece.

The pages all cut

Any pop dots will work.  These are 2mm thick.  I cut them in half, and stacked them, making it 4mm between pages

The pages all in the frame.
The Lights:
I used a simple pack of Dollar Tree lights - these are sometimes with the candles, and often with the seasonal items - especially at Christmas time.  LED tape  lights are another popular option, but they are a lot more expensive.  I attached the Dollar Tree lights with scotch tape.  Then because this frame did not have  a back, I cut a piece of cardstock to cover the lights.  This is important - the lights reflect better if there is something behind them.

The Dollar Tree Lights require 2 AA batteries
And a screwdriver to open the case

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