FREE Sites to Convert Images To Layers


Comparing Sites That Convert Images To Layered SVGS

For this comparison, I took one image and ran it through 8 sites that convert pngs to svgs.  From those 10, I chose my 6 favorites.  Not all of them had great results for this image, but they are all sites I recommend trying.   I could have worked with the results from 5 of the 6 sites I listed here.  The 6th site, convertio, I included even though it didn't work for this image, purely because it works for so many other things.  

When trying to convert a png to an svg, keep in mind that results will vary based on the image you start with.  My number one choice for this list today may end up being my 3rd choice for another image on another day - it just all depends on what you start with, and what results you hope to end with.

The PNG I Started With
Although you can't really tell, it has a white outline, which makes conversion a bit tricker. I've listed the sites I tried in order of how well they worked for this - although there are times where a different site may have better results.  It will often depend on the image you start with.

Free, No Account Needed

For this site, after you upload your image, use the eye dropper to select each color of your image.  EVEN select the colors you do not want.  For instance, I did not want the white outline.  But by selecting it, it made that piece white, and I could delete it after I uploaded it.  When I did not select the white, it included it as part of the light blue.

You download your finished project using the "Export" button at the top of the screen.  The file was huge for me - 51 inches wide when uploaded..  but the edges were smooth and the pieces were nicely separated.

Free, No Account Needed
This site is one of the quickest to use.  Just upload, and download.
Files download in a zip file.  Extract them, then upload to Design Space.

It did add a few extra pieces that I would delete
And it made the white dots inside the eyes their own layer. Personally, I'd slice the white dots from the blue in the eyes, delete the top white part of the eye, and create full white circles to go behind the blue layer of the eye.

But overall, this site works REALLY well.  And it's super quick and easy.

Free, Free Account Required

Overall, this did a really nice job. There were a lot of extra pieces to delete, but that's not uncommon when converting pngs to layers.  And personally, I'd delete the white pieces for the eye and replace them with full circles - but that is easily done.

There was a large white box around the image that I deleted, and then a lot of little pieces, which you can see in the layers panel here, I hid.  I could not even tell where they were, and hiding them made no visible difference at all.

Here i moved the layers apart, do you can see what I was left with.

Free, No Account Needed, Lots of Ads
To start, scroll about 1/4 to 1/ of the way down the page to find the "choose a file" button.

I've had better results from this site with other images - so it's worth trying this one.
But for this image, notice it combined the white outline with the pale blue.  Even when I took it up to 7 colors, the same thing happened.  

There are some great options here - though - including "simplify", which smooths the edges, and the ability to download a cricut version of the svg with registration marks already added for you.

Free, No Account Required
Convertio is one of my favorite "basic" converters.  
Not just for png to svg, convertio can convert SO many formats.  Including PDF to pngs.
But it is not great with lighter colors, when converting from png to svg.  For this image, it did not convert the light blue body, only the wings and head.

Free, No Account Needed

Quick and easy to use.  

For this image, it not only added a bunch of extra pieces, but it also made some of the pieces much larger layers.  So rather than the layers fitting snuggly together, some would overlap.   This could be beneficial when making layered papercutting designs, but would not be my first choice for vinyl.



  1. Thanks for testing and posting this. Very good information. There were a few here I was not familiar with. Thanks for putting in the work to benefit us.

  2. Thank you for this great information. I didn't know there were sites that would do this!! I will be trying them out.
