Men's Thought Boxes

Focus on the Family broadcasts have had two episodes recently about the differences between how men and women think.  the first one, shown above, is more humorous (but so true!) and the second is a bit more expansive.{5BC2A206-2864-42DC-8F98-5673EEB64280}
"In a discussion based on their book Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti, Bill and Pam Farrel explain how a husband and wife can understand and appreciate one another's differences. "

This really is something I wish I had heard before we got married!  20 years in, I "get" it, but those first few years, when I asked him what he was thinking about and he said "nothing" I really did think he just didn't want to talk to me.  :-)

There is a goat in my living room

But he's not on the carpet, and not on the furniture (if you do not count the footstool as furniture, which apparently our son does not...) so technically not violating the stated rules.  Note to self - make more specific rules.  :-)

He's outside now, it was just too wet and nasty to put him outside his first day here, so he stayed (HA!) in a dog kennel in our laundry room for the first day, and again overnight last night, just to be sure he's acclimating ok.  He gets a bottle 
twice a day yet.

Coming home from the amish sale...

He's in a kennel in the laundry room for tonight - it's too cold, wet, and windy to leave him outside his first night here. He's obviously used to being bottle fed, he took right to the bottle.

This will be our billy goat next year.  :-)


My notes from the lecture

This week there was an extra handout - Home Training Lesson on Teaching Your Child About Easter.  As always, it's a fantastic resource!

This week was an excellent tie in with our families study of James from last week!  

Sewing Kit - Felt Craft

I love felt embroidery, and I do not know why I don't do more of it.  So simple!  I didn't have a pattern for this, I saw one in a catalog (or website?  I can't remember which) from Hopechest Legacy.  My daughter and I were working through her Needlework Skills Book 1 together at the time, and this looked like a simple additional project.  It was.  :-)

Sadly the Hopechest Legacy site has pretty much closed down, we love the books and patterns we have bought from them, and there are still a few good freebies on the site. (Freebies are listed on the red sidebar to the left)

The inside pockets hold a pencil, scissors, embroidery floss, needles are stored under the flap on the top right, the heart shaped pocket holds a thimble and my needle threader, and the center bottom is a stuffed pincushion full of pins.  

It was such an easy project that my 12 year old daughter made herself one at the same time.  

The Hope Chest Legacy Website is gone, but the books are still available on Amazon:

An Index Of My Craft Related Posts

Peanut Butter Eggs

Our teen age daughter makes hundreds of these each year.  She pays her own way to summer camp by selling them. :-)

2 cups 10x sugar
1 cup Jiff Peanut Butter
1/4 cup butter
1 T milk
melting chocolate

Soften the butter, combine all ingredients
     (we use the kitchen-aid to cream the ingredients together)
Form into egg shapes
Pop in the freezer for about 30 minutes to an hour
Dip in chocolate

Freezing them first helps so much when coating them in chocolate.  Otherwise this can get very messy.  :-)

I get the wafers at Ac Moore.  They go on sale for $1.77 a bag, and when they do, I stock up.  do not like the chocolate wafers from Michaels - they are too waxy, in my opinion.

You can melt the chocolate in the microwave - just make sure the bowl and spoon are COMPLETELY dry.  One speck of water can make chocolate seize.

We don't have a microwave here (no big health reason, I just got tired of them dying, and we don't really use it..  a counter top convection oven was under $40 and works well for reheating food)

I have a melting pan similar to this one. I paid under $20- check Michaels or JoAnns and use a coupon for a good deal on one.  If you melt a lot of chocolate (we make a LOT of peanut butter eggs each year) it's well worth the investment.

To coat the eggs, drop them in one at a time, then lift out with a fork, shaking it back and forth gently to even out the chocolate and remove the excess.  Then place on wax paper, or parchment paper, to dry.

The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel

The Clan of the Cave Bear (Earth's Children, #1)The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I had for some reason believed this was some sort of classic, and appropriate for our younger teens reading lists. I'm glad I read if first- the story line is good, but it is not a classic, and the rape scenes are unnecessarily detailed, even if the details about sex are kept simple. Those passages, in my opinion, ruin the book and make it one I would not recommend.

After finishing this book I was curious about the fates of the charactars, the story line is good... but after reading a quick summary of the other books in the series, it appears sex continues to be a strong theme shared in detail too often.

View all my reviews