Showing posts with label Recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recipes. Show all posts

Tangy Dill Cucumber Salad

Tangy Dill Cucumber Salad

All of these summer recipes have amounts given, but it's very unusual for me to measure much of anything. I come in from the garden with a few cucumbers...  then I make what looks to me like enough dressing to coat them.  I believe this is typical of many old housewives, and why so many of you will remember something tasting slightly different than it does when you follow the recipe your grandmother gives you.  

This dressing is one of my favorites - it's great for cucumbers, but it's also a great salad dressing, or on broccoli and cauliflower... just an all purpose summer dressing.  Quick and easy.

Cucumber Salad:

Approximately 4 "smallish medium" cucumbers, peeled and sliced  - around 4 cups sliced.
1/2 a red onion, sliced thinly


1 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp lime
¼ cup white sugar
4 teaspoons white vinegar
½ teaspoon  dill seed
½ teaspoon  salt

Again, I never measure the vinegar.  Add everything except the vinegar into a small jar with a tight fighting lid.  Then pour in a little vinegar, and shake.  Check the consistency, add more vinegar as needed to reach the consistency you would like.  

Find an Index Of Some of My Favorite Recipes here:

Simple Cherry Tomato Salad


A Quick and Easy Summer Side Dish - 
Simple Cherry Tomato Salad With Mint

We have an abundance of cherry tomatoes in the garden! They are the grandsons favorites, because he is allowed to pick and eat them while playing in the backyard. I have half a dozen varieties - including sun gold, black cherry, an indigo, a sweet 100, a yellow pear.... and more, all of which vary by year.

For a super quick side dish in the summer time:
  • 2  cups, or so,  cherry tomatoes sliced in half
  • 1/4 a red onion, diced
  • optional -thin julienned carrot
  • 1 tsp white sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 T EVOO [extra virgin olive oil]
  • 2 T red wine vinegar  [or sherry vinegar]
  • 2 T finely minced mint leaves
Mix the dressing, toss it over the tomatoes.  You can serve immediately, but it's better if you can put it in the refrigerator for an hour or so before serving.

Find an Index Of Some of My Favorite Recipes here:

Broccoli Cauliflower Salad

Broccoli Cauliflower Salad
Note - For an extra splash of color, add jarred pimentos.  I love the way they look, but rarely have them on hand here.

Thirty years ago I worked in a grocery store deli.  This was one of the salads we made, mostly to use up the cheese ends.  

  • 1 head broccoli
  • 1 head cauliflower [maybe half a head, depends on the size]
  • Assorted diced cheeses.  If your deli sells assorted ends, those packs are perfect.  If not, I use a mix of cheddar, colby jack, mozzarella, muenster, or whatever odds and ends we have on hand.
  • sliced olives, or a jar of pimentos
  • Zesty Italian Dressing


  • Diced cooked bacon
  • Diced onion
  • Sunflower seeds
Recipe For Zesty Italian Dressing
¾ cup extra virgin olive oil
⅓ cup red wine vinegar
1½ tablespoons real maple syrup
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2½ teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
4 small garlic cloves, minced


Cucumber Feta Blueberry Mint Salad

Cucumber Feta Blueberry Mint Salad

A friend of mine shared this recipe from the Wegmans Circular. I don't shop at Wegmans, but I found a white balsamic dressing at Big Lots that was quite good.  I also found recipes for alternate dressings.  

1 pint  [2 cups] blueberries
2-3  seedless cucumbers [about 4 cups, once cut]
1/2 cup White Balsamic Dressing
3 Tb chopped mint leaves
1 cup feta cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Combine cucumbers and blueberries in large bowl. Season with salt and pepper.
Add dressing, mint, and feta; toss gently to combine.
Chef Tip: To seed cucumber, slice in half lengthwise and scoop out center with spoon.

I used regular cucumbers from my garden, mint from my garden, feta from Aldi, and white balsamic dressing I found at Big Lots.

Alternative Dressing:
3 tablespoons of white wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon honey or sugar
1/4 cup olive oil

Homemade White Balsamic Dressing
⅓ cup white balsamic vinegar
½ cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
½ teaspoon Italian seasoning
¼ teaspoon dried garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste


Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry Shortcake Recipes
[printable page from my personal cookbook at the bottom of this post]

Come early June, when the strawberries are in season in Central Pennsylvania, it's not terribly unusual for strawberry shortcake to be served for dinner.  Not as a dessert, but as dinner.  Here on the farm, it's a traditional biscuit style cake - somewhat dry and crumbly.  You break it up into pieces, top it with strawberries that have been sliced or mashed and left to sit in a little extra sugar, so they are good and juicy.  Then most add milk, almost as if this were a cereal, and top with whipped cream.  I personally skip the milk, just topping my cake with the berries and some whipped cream.

For All The Recipes

Bake at 350 for 20 minutes for an 8x8 pan, 40 minutes for 9x11[double batch]

Use about 1/3 to half a cup of sugar on 1 Qt of mashed or sliced strawberries,  let sit while the cake bakes.  Top with whipped cream and or milk.


From the recipe drawer - but not a recipe I use personally

There's a drawer in my kitchen that has several generations worth of family recipes in it.  The recipes came with the house when we moved in.  In that drawer is a shortcake recipe, using oil.  It's not a recipe I use personally.  I also have old recipes that use eggs, and sour cream.  To me, that makes no sense - once you add eggs, or sour cream, it is no longer shortcake - just cake.  But that's just my opinion.  Well, and my husbands - he has very definite preferences when it comes to his shortcake.  :-)

Here's a comparison - our favorite on the left, it has more of a scone texture. The one on the right is the recipe I posted above, that uses oil. The oil makes more of a soft, sponge type cake.

My Favorite Shortcake Recipe:

· 2 1/3 Cups Bisquick Mix

· ½ cup milk

· 3 TBS sugar

· 3 TBS butter, melted
This is my go to, favorite, shortcake recipe. It makes one pie pan, or 8x8 pan. Double it for a 9x11 pan.

I make my own “Bisquick” Mix:

· 6c flour

· 1c shortening

· 3Tbs Baking Powder

· 1tsp salt

Mix thoroughly in food processor, store in fridge or freezer. [I keep a tub of this in my freezer]

To make this version without the Bisquick:

· 2 cups flour

· 3 Tbs sugar

· 1/2 cup butter

· [OR 1/3 c shortening + 3Tbs Butter]

· 2 tsp baking powder

· 1 tsp salt

· 3/4 cup milk

Cut flour, sugar and butter together until mixture looks like coarse crumbs, then mix in the rest of the ingredients

This old recipe uses lard - but you could substitute crisco in its place.


Strawberry Shortcake Recipe,   From The Lost Recipes from The Kitchens Of The Williamsport Millionaires by R. Steppe.  


Picnic Foods

Picnic Foods
A reference page in my personal cookbook with some very basic ideas and recipes
Pinwheels, Lebanon Roll Ups, Pasta Salads...

One of my projects in 2024 is to redo my personal cookbook, a "Volume 2" of sorts.  I printed and bound copies of the first volume for all of our children when they first started moving out. For years I've been using that compilation myself, but I have it so written up with changes and additions, and many notes on recipes I had never written down or included..  it's time for a rewrite.  

And now that it is picnic season for us, I wanted a quick reference page for picnic foods.

A staple at Pennsylvania Dutch gatherings, Lebanon bologna spread with cream cheese and pineapple may sound odd - but it's really quite good!  You'll find variations at most picnics and pot lucks in our area.

I love pinwheel recipes for picnics.  Quick and easy to make ahead, no silverware needed.

Pasta Salads, for me, are much like soup.  I don't use a recipe, I simply open the fridge and see what I have that might work, then combine it all together.  Sometimes I'll use a bottled sauce, sometimes I'll mix up something home made.  The above chart is more of a guideline than a recipe chart.

Clafoutis and Quiche are picnic staples for us.
Our current flavor favorite for clafoutis is lemon raspberry
Find the recipe here:

Easter Recipes


Italian Easter Pie, Resurrection Cookies, Peanut Butter Eggs, and more
Recipes We Traditionally Use At Easter Time

Peanut Butter Eggs


Peanut Butter Eggs

Our daughter used to make hundreds of these each spring.  She bought herself a new laptop one spring, with her profits!  We do not compromise on the peanut butter for these - for us, it's Jiff only.

My favorite melting chocolate were the wafers from A.C. Moore, before they went out of business.  I have never liked the brand from Michaels quite as well, although they do work.  Chocolate chips can be used in place of the chocolate wafers, too.  

Vintage Green Bean Casserole - From The Campbells Test Kitchen


Dorcas Reilly, who worked in Campbell’s test kitchen, created the recipe in 1955. Reilly’s dish was originally called the “Green Bean Bake,” and it gained its popularity when Campbell began printing the recipe on its mushroom soup cans.

“As one of the first full-time members of Campbell’s Home Economics department, Dorcas created ‘the mother of all comfort foods’ by simply combining two things most Americans had on hand in 1955: green beans and Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup.” 

Libby's Pumpkin Pie - The Tried & True Vintage Classic

Created in a test kitchen in 1929, the Libby's Pumpkin Pie Recipe created by Mary Hale Martin is still the classic no fail recipe that most use today.  The recipe has been on the can label continuously since the 1920s, with a very few small changes.  Read more of the history below [and see some of the  vintage labels and ads] but first, here's the recipe:

Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Sourdough Cookie Recipe

Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Sourdough Discard Cookie Recipe
Adapted from The Boy Who Bakes

Sourdough discard is the portion of your sourdough starter that is removed and discarded before feeding the remaining starter.   When I feed my sourdough starter, I pour the "discard" into a container I keep in the fridge.  That discard can be used in so many recipes - including crackers, waffles, pancakes..  and cookies.  

Fig & Pepper Bread

Fig & Pepper Bread, From First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen

Our book club read First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen, this month.
It's a sort of cozy magic story, a nice, light,  fall read.  It's also book 2 in a series, which we didn't know when we chose it.. but it's perfectly fine as a stand alone book.

The book includes a recipe for a bread that is mentioned often - Fig and Pepper Bread.  What an interesting combination..  I was intrigued, so I made a loaf to take to book club.

 Not only is it pretty quick and easy to make, but it's REALLY good.  I love the uniqueness - and the sweetness of the fig really does pair so well with the kick from the pepper.  It's not something I would have ever considered making had it not been for this book, but now that I've made it, I'd definitely make it again!  Especially if I could find fresh figs...  In very rural central Pennsylvania,  I was lucky to find dried figs.  

Basil Salt


I saw this in a facebook post, and this year I have an abundance of basil, so I thought I would try it.  I love basil, it's definitely one of my favorite herbs!  Suggestions for using it include:

On Eggs, on Chicken, On tomatoes, in pasta sauces, in soups, in salad dressings, in pasta salads...

The Recipe
1 1/2 cups fresh basil leaves, roughly chopped
2 cups of Kosher Salt

Place in a blender or food processor and pulse to break down the leaves.

Spread on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (or a silicone mat) 

Bake for 30 minutes at 175. 

Break apart clumps, allow to cool, then place in a jar to store.


Making & Canning Roasted Tomato Spaghetti Sauce

Roasting tomatoes, onions, and garlic for home made spaghetti sauce.

Everyone is always looking for the "Best" home made spaghetti sauce recipe.  But here's the thing - there is no perfect recipe.  There can't be one perfect recipe, simply because sauce depends on the tomatoes.  They are the star.  

What you add will depend on the tomatoes that year - some years the crops will be better than others.  This year we had SO much rain - rain nearly every day.  The tomatoes are not as flavorful as last year.  (We noticed the same with the sweet corn).    Is my sauce still good? Yes, it's quite good - but it's just not as good as LAST years sauce, when the tomatoes were absolutely fantastic.  

There's no amount of seasoning, and no secret ingredient, that  you can add to make up for lackluster tomatoes.

So what type of tomato do you want for sauce?  Most will tell you San Marzano.  And if I were buying them canned, that's what I would look for myself.  But, my mother plants between 400 and 700 tomato plants every year, in numerous varieties.  By hand.  Oh yes, that's insane, plain and simple - she's in her 70s now, and finally cutting back on how many she plants not because of her age, but because so many of her customers have now passed away - not as many people can tomatoes anymore.  

One wagon of plants.  All planted from seed, started in racks on a large sunporch.

But, because I have access to so many varieties - I mix them up as much as possible.  I like the variety in my sauce.  I do use some romas - but I am not dependent on them and  frequently will make sauce without them.  

My suggestion is always to shop local.  Don't try to make sauce with grocery store tomatoes.  Find a local farmer who will sell you half a bushel of local grown tomatoes.  A farmers market is often a great place to start looking - but make sure you ask where their tomatoes came from.  Many of our local farm stores, and even some farmers market stands, buy their produce at auctions - produce shipped in from other states for the grocery stores.   Trust me - I attend the local produce auction here.  I see the trucks unloaded, it's often the exact same thing stocked in the big box stores, being purchased by the farmers market vendor.  [some local produce is also sold at this auction...  our Amish neighbors sell their produce there - so it's not all from another state.  ]

Planting by hand.

Roma tomatoes, what my mom calls "sauce" tomatoes, are shaped more like a pepper than a tomato, not as round.  They are thicker, with less water and fewer seeds, making a thicker, creamier sauce.

Once I have chosen my tomatoes - usually a good mix of varieties - I core them, and place them in pans, along with cloves of garlic and sectioned onions.  I sprinkle it all liberally with olive oil, salt, pepper, and a little garlic powder (scant amounts of garlic.  Garlic and herbs can make a sauce bitter if overcooked, so go easy on the seasoning at this stage)

The above photo shows a mixture of pans, but really the baking pans are best.  there will be  LOT of juice, and you will likely need to clean your oven if you use cookie sheets..

Roast at 450 until they are well, good and roasted.  I never time these things - I think a lot varies by the size of the tomato, the number of items in the oven, how accurate your oven temperature is..  I'd tell my kids to cook them until they smell done [I say the same about sticky buns] - but apparently cooking by smell is not normal.  A good rule of thumb is to check them in 30 minutes.  If they look close to done, add some herbs if you want (basil, oregano, maybe a little thyme and garlic) and cook them another 10 minutes or so. 

Then pull them from the oven  I drain the juice from the pans right into my crock pot /pan /roaster, where my sauce will go.  

Then let the tomatoes cool enough that you can touch them to remove the skins.
I remove the skins and drop the tomatoes right into my ninja (a regular blender would work).  Puree the tomatoes, pour them into the pan/crockpot/roaster where the juice is.

I puree the roasted garlic and onion and add it to the sauce, and this is when I will add more herbs - often just a bottled italian seasoning mix.  I don't add much.  Keep it simple.   Add, taste, add, taste...   I know some prefer exact measurements, but what if your basil is more potent one year than the next?  Or if the tomatoes need a bit more salt one year?  You just have to add, and taste!

The Seasonings I Typically Add:
Remember, the olive oil was on the tomatoes when I roasted them, that's already in there.  So is the roasted garlic, and roasted onion, that I cooked right with the tomatoes.

- Celery Seed
-Fresh chopped Basil and Oregano - or dried Italian seasoning mix.  Or a little both.
- Salt and pepper

 I sometimes add a little tomato paste - maybe a can or two per a roaster.   Sometimes I don't add it at all - it depends on the tomatoes.  The more romas I use, the less likely I am to add paste.  

Because I roast the tomatoes, I do not add sugar.  You can taste it and make that decision, but roasting the tomatoes pulls out the natural sugars, it's rare that they would need any added.

Sauce goes into the electric roaster on the right - some of the tomatoes I put straight into sterilized jars to can as whole roasted tomatoes for chilis, soups, goulash...

I leave the seeds in my sauce.   There are methods for removing the seeds - but I don't mind them.  I've read that seeds can cause sauce to be bitter, but I've never had a problem with that personally.

I don't cook my sauce for a long time - maybe an hour or so.  The tomatoes have already been roasted... normally I am just leaving the sauce simmer a bit while I am waiting on the canner.  Remember, cooking your seasonings a long time - especially oregano, basil  and garlic, can make your sauce bitter.  If you want to cook the sauce down more, wait to add your herbs until its mostly cooked to the consistency you want.

One in the jars, add ¼ tsp Citric Acid or 1 Tbsp bottled lemon juice per hot jar

If your sauce goes bitter, try adding a teaspoon or so of baking soda.
Or a little sugar.

After using a large water bath canner for many years (I have my grandmothers old pan and rack) my parents bought me this steam canner for Christmas, a few years back - shown here without the lid on. I LOVE this thing. It's how I do all of my "water bath" canning now.

"Add ¼ tsp Citric Acid or 1 Tbsp bottled lemon juice to each hot pint jar; Add 1/2 tsp.  Citric Acid or 2 Tbsp. bottled lemon juice to each hot quart jar. Ladle hot sauce into hot jars leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Wipe rim. Center hot lid on jar. Apply band and adjust until fit is fingertip tight. Place jar in boiling water canner. Repeat until all jars are filled.

Process pint jars for 35 minutes and quart jars for 40 minutes. Remove canner lid. Wait 5 minutes, then remove jars and cool. check lids for seal after 24 hours; they should not flex up and down when center is pressed.

The Ball Guide To Water Bath Canning [for acidic foods]  Can be found online here:


Hot pack and fill jars according to directions for that food. Set each full jar on the base to stay warm while packing and filling the rest of the jars.

When the last full jar has warmed up for 1-2 minutes, place the dome on the base and slowly (4-5 minutes) increase the temperature setting of the stove until a column of steam 8-10 inches is evident from the small holes at the base of the dome. (If you are using a canner with a thermometer in the lid watch for when the dial reaches the appropriate temperature)

Begin timing the process. Follow the water bath canning recommendations adjusted for your altitude.

 Maintain the column of steam. The dome (or lid) should not bounce from the base during processing.
When processing time is complete, turn off the stove and wait 2-3 minutes before removing the dome. Remove the dome keeping it away from your face and body to avoid burns. 

Allow your jars to cool and seal as you would with water bath canning. Remove metal bands and store the jars in a cool dark place.

Pulled Pork Seasoning

Pulled Pork Seasoning

I most often use this on a pork loin.  Coat the entire loin in this seasoning, cook it low and slow all day, then pull it apart with forks, letting it sit in the juices so the pulled pork re-absorbs the liquid and seasonings.  We often add bbq sauce to this meat when making sandwiches, or use it as is in tacos.  

I typically cook a large loin like this, then package it in quart zip lock bags to freeze and use throughout the month.  And when I mix up the seasoning, I tend to make enough for a quart jar full.  It stores well in the pantry.  To make a quart jar, take the recipe below x4 .

Pulled Pork Seasoning Recipe

Use 1 tablespoon each of:
 garlic powder
chili powder
 cayenne pepper
 ground pepper

And add:
1/2 cup brown sugar

The cayenne and chili pepper will add a bit of a kick - you can use a little less of those if you don't like spice.  But if you are adding a sweeter bbq sauce to the pulled pork, it will usually balance out nicely as is.

I toss all of my ingredients into my ninja and mix them thoroughly.
