"Link Broken" Error from An Apple Device

How To Fix The "Page Isn't Available" Error When Downloading From An Apple Device

This is a question I get about once a week, on average.  I do not use Apple Devices, but thanks to a very helpful member in the facebook group for this page, we figured out what is happening, and how to fix it.

The links work - the links are not the problem.  It has to do with your device - often Apple devices do not allow you to download when you are viewing from the facebook browser. 

 So if you click on a link from a facebook post, then attempt to download, you are in the facebook browser, not safari, and Apple will not allow you to download - You will instead get the "Page Not Available", or link broken, error.

To bypass that, you simply need to open the page in an external browser.

See the image above?  I've circled the three dots - those are what you need to click on.
A menu will pop up:
Choose "Open In External  browser"

Now you should be able to successfully click on the download.


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