While I LOVE all these massive free bundles from Creative Fabrica - dealing with the files once they are downloaded can be a bit overwhelming. Her are some tips for saving your files, and finding them later, without having too much of an overwhelming mess.
When I download files, they all go into a folder in my downloads titled "Cricut Sort". Then there are subfolders in that folder for fonts, ideas, and svgs. The real key is to work on clearing this folder at least once a week - but even when I get behind with that, at least they are all together in one place here. This is NOT where I permanently store my svgs. This is just where the downloads go until I have time to sort them out.
Many zip files do not include the preview photo showing you what the project will look like when made. This isn't a big deal when it's an svg for a vinyl project, because those svgs will look like the finished project. But the paper projects.. sometimes its impossible to tell what those pieces are supposed to make. I try to make it a habit to download a photo of the project at the same time I am downloading the svg, just in case the preview photo is not included. Ideally I change the thumbnail name to exactly what the download is named - but I don't always make the time for that.
So when I download these bundles, I create a new folder for the bundle. Then I put the downloaded zip files in there, and then I scroll to the bottom of the download page and save the thumbnail view of each of the bundles in the bundle.The folder for ONE free bundle - it had 3 zip files, and then I saved the thumbnails. Not all of the thumbnails are here - because I know I will not save all of the bundles once I unzip. I do not save everything I download - only the projects I am truly interested in, or think I may be interested in. When I unzip these folders, I will probably delete even more - for now, I saved all the thumbnails of anything I thought I might be interested in. I'll think harder about what to keep when I actually take the time to sort these into the "permanent storage"
Permanent Storage for me is a WD MyCloud External Hardrive
I am not convinced this is the best option. I do not find it to be overly user friendly to set up.
There's no good way to jut hook a USB cord to this to transfer the files back off.
However, it works just like a paid cloud service - like drop box, or onedrive, etc. It works on my wifi. My computer is not attached to it. I can drag and drop files from my laptop, right into folders on this drive. And I've been using this system for so many years that it is simply what I am used to. I've never found anything that works better for me.
I have also used dropbox in the past - but I was a beta tester for them when they were a brand new service, so I have a lot more free storage than is offered to newer users.
You can always just store your files on your computer too - it's not always necessary to use an extra drive.
I have a post here that shows a little bit about the folder system I use to organize my svgs. Over the past year, as I work more and more with paper, I have made some adjustments and I have not yet updated this post, but it does give you the general idea of how I do things. I'll update the post with the newest folder system I'm using, soon.
Here's a quick look at how to sort the svgs out of the bundles, without opening each folder
And here's how to use a google extension to view your svgs as thumbnails, not your browser icon
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